Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Magical Watercolors by Rodolfo Hernandez Giro

Rodolfo Hernández Giro (Santiago de Cuba, 1881-1970) Sculptor and painter. Born in Santiago de Cuba one April 18, 1881, his father was a teacher and composer Santiago, family heritage that also took a great interest in painting. Brother of the painter Juan Emilio Hernández Giro, and the maternal, related to the Tejada brothers and William Collazo. Formed in a family lover of the arts, made several forays into the theater and learned flute, clarinet and guitar his father, and on many occasions was presented with his orchestra. Forced by the war to emigrate to Haiti, was there and colorful painting classes with Puerto Rican Ramon Frade. Since the war ended, the family returned to his native Santiago, where he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts, which recently was founded under the direction of brothers Tejada. In 1907 the family sent him to Barcelona to study with his brother. Then leave both artists to Paris where he studied at the Academy Colarossi, La Grande Chaimiére and receives tutoring sculpture with Paul Loisseau-Rousseau. After a tour of Spain, France, Belgium, Holland, England, Italy and New York, returns to his city in 1912, serving as a professor at the Academy of Fine Arts and professor of drawing at the Ecole Normale de Oriente. was founding member of the National Academy of Arts and Letters, and was involved in arts and cultural groups. Wrote comedies, made decorations for the theater and as a painter specializing in landscapes. His most prominent are Perucho Figueredo Monument that stands in the former Plaza de Marte of Santiago de Cuba, the bronze relief on Invasion for the obelisk erected in Los Mangos Baraguá and a bust of José de la Luz y Caballero made to the Normal School of their city.

 Juan Emilio and Rodolfo Hernández Giro, brothers born 20 years after Tejada, painted the natural setting surrounding them with great precision. "It's impossible to be a painter here and not paint landscapes," Rodolfo stated. "Oriente's landscape is our pride. The mountains look closer than they really are, and one needs to have been born here or to have lived here for many years to know how to place them in their proper perspective." 
Flores Carbonell Collection
Rodolfo Hernandez Giro
Courtesy of the Flores Carbonell Collection

Flores Carbonell Collection
Rodolfo Hernandez Giro
 Courtesy of the Flores Carbonell Collection

Flores Carbonell Collection
Rodolfo Hernandez Giro
 Courtesy of the Flores Carbonell Collection

Flores Carbonell Collection
Rodolfo Hernandez Giro
 Courtesy of the Flores Carbonell Collection

Flores Carbonell Collection
Rodolfo Hernandez Giro
 Courtesy of the Flores Carbonell Collection

Flores Carbonell Collection
Rodolfo Hernandez Giro
 Courtesy of the Flores Carbonell Collection

Flores Carbonell Collection
Rodolfo Hernandez Giro
 Courtesy of the Flores Carbonell Collection

Acuarela  Flores Carbonell Collection
Rodolfo Hernandez Giro
 Courtesy of the Flores Carbonell Collection

Flores Carbonell Collection
Rodolfo Hernandez Giro
 Courtesy of the Flores Carbonell Collection

Flores Carbonell Collection
Rodolfo Hernandez Giro
 Courtesy of the Flores Carbonell Collection

Flores Carbonell Collection
Rodolfo Hernandez Giro
 Courtesy of the Flores Carbonell Collection

Flores Carbonell Collection
Rodolfo Hernandez Giro
 Courtesy of the Flores Carbonell Collection

Flores Carbonell Collection
Rodolfo Hernandez Giro
 Courtesy of the Flores Carbonell Collection

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